Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ahad yang bosan!
yes!arini aku bekerja.working day aku x same ngn klang valley.
best sbb ari jumaat aku cuti.
tp X BEST sbb bile ari ahad list ym aku jd separoh..n dikelilingi org2 yg kurang di kenali.
org2 yg aku kenal sume pegi tgglkn aku bile ari ahad muncul.x suke!
malas nk layan.bye!
Monday, August 24, 2009
- ia mmbawa ketenangan yg tiada di dunia
- ia bisa menjauhkan diri dr caci maki, kate2 kesat n so on
- ia dapat menjadikan fikiran sy sentiase positif
- ia mampu membuatkn sy mnjadi diri sendiri
Masalah kt dunia mmg byk.sume org x lari dr masalah.kdg2 smpai bleh merimaskan n menyenakkan urat saraf dlm otak.
tp ape bleh buat.tuh mmg da jd lumrah idop.nak xnak, kene time dgn jika aku bleh meloloskn diri ke dunia fantasi dgn segale kriteria yg ade kt atas...aku mesti dlm proses menuju ke sane tnpe ragu2.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
This Is For Them!
I do miss and love you very much. =)
How can I deny it when every second in my life, you guys does appeared in my mind!
Even when I sleep, one of you must alive in my dream.
Honestly, im not making 'PUBLISITI MURAHAN'
Dat was really true and im tired n sick of it!
Do believe me if u wanna. =)
Yes I not dat kind of people/friend who knows how to show her love and how to appreciate her friends...but deep in my heart, I just know, right from the start we build this friendship, I will keep it till the end of the day! If GOD let us to do so.
So, I've decided dat I need to do something although it is not 'sweet' at all...but at doing it! hehehe.
And i've borrowed this from the author which I dont know whom...where the only thing dat I know is I like his work of art, and I want to share this with my lovey dovey forever!
If you desire relationships that are deeper and broader, more meaningful and longer-lasting, then remember the word "travel."
- T is for TRUST .Trust is the glue that holds people together (not Super Glue). A relationship will go nowhere without it.
- R is for RESPECT "Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead; do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead," writes Anna Cummins. It's about respecting others and letting them know that you value them.
- A is for AFFECTION .Sometimes affection means love. Sometimes it means a touch. Always it means kindness.
- V is for VULNERABILITY .Though we may feel afraid to let another too close, no relationship will go anywhere without risking vulnerability. Entrepreneur Jim Rohn says, "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy." And the love.
- E is for EMOTIONAL INTIMACY .Learn to be open. Learn to communicate freely. What kinds of relationships you make are largely determined by how openly you have learned to communicate.
- L is for LAUGHTER Victor Borge got it right when he said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." It's also the most enjoyable.
For relationships that can really go somewhere, just remember the word "TRAVEL."Then enjoy the trip! ( Lets go for the next vacation guys!hahahaha)
Si Cantek
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Manusia & Kepuasan
Mata merenung tajam ke arah skrin
Sedang tangan menari2 di atas keyboard
Sambil kepala melayang2 memikirkn isi utk di conteng dlm kekotak cikrerama.
20 minit berlalu....
Otak maseh ligat mencari bahan.Sesungguhnya idea blom mengizinkan diri utk dtg menerpa.
owh idea ke marilah, menyahut seruan si cantek! hahahaha.
tik tok tik tok (masa dgn selambe pergi meninggalkan aku sambil mntertawakan aku yang masih kebingungan mcarik topik.apekah?)
Nah!Dengan secare kebetulan, persoalan tentang manusia menarik minda.
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha(motif gelak x di ketahui)
manusia sinonim dgn kepuasan.
sehinggakan kdg2 tnpa di sedari kepuasan itu lah sbnrnye memakan diri snirik.
mungkin kt krg sedar, dalam keghairahan nak carik kepuasan diri
sbnrnye kt dah tercicir byk bnde kt blkg.
berharge or x terpulang pd individu.
Bile kite sedar yg kite dah hilang sesuatu tuh, wajar ke nk patah balik?
Perlu ke nk menyesal?entah.soalan yg aku snirik pon xtau cemane jwpn yg seswai nk di garap.
aku pon buntu.kdg2 aku terpikir, berbaloi ke aku hilang bnde tuh demi sesuatu yg blom pasti akn ade kelak?
nak sedapkn bese la..jwpn cliche.."insyaallah mesti akn ade punye la.Tuhan da tentukan yg terbaik utk kite"
Name Tuhan jgk yg selalu dibangkitkan n dijadikan alasan.Yups mmg btol, semua yg berlaku adelah dgn sbg hambaNYA yang tak seberapa ni, mungkin kt patut ikhtiar n pikir dgn mndalam setiap tindak tanduk kt.jgn serahkn bulat2 ats name Tuhan.
tp kt jgn dikenang bnde yg da lepas.kalo ade rezeki nnt ade lah.
-tiada kene mengene dgn sesiapa melainkan diri sendiri-hihihihi-
Si Cantek
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
yups ni la rase yg bersemadi dlm hati aku skrg.
kenape?ntah.aku xde jwpn utk tuh.
sbb aku pon krg memahami diri snirik.
1 bnde yg aku btol2 pasti adelah aku bosan.
sbb aku keje x bape nk keje agknye.aku rase la.
ade org pnh ckp kt aku
"bile kt bgn pagi, kt rase hepi nk gi keje, tuh mknenye keje tuh seswai ngn kt.BUT bile kt rase MALAS n x seronok, means dat mebi we should change our company"
Nah! skrg if setiap tpt wat kt rase x best,x comfort, x selesa...xkan 10 kali sekejap nk maen tkr2 keje?so, pemikiran rasional adelah sgt diperlukn dlm situasi ini.kene pk kan pro n cons dlm setiap tindakan.
"cube ko bertahan.insyallah 1 ari nnt msti ko rase ok.jgn riso.yg penting ko keje dgn ikhlas n berdedikasi.msti ko dpt atasi bnde2 kecik mcm ni."
yea yea yea...i'll try n try n try n try smpai lebam.
yg sakit nye aku, yg pedih nye aku, TP mungkin akn dtg yg HEPI nye adelah aku jgk.
kalo x rase pahitnye skrg, cemane kt nk tau MANIS yg akn dtg tuh semmgnye manis?
There is always the 1st time 4 everything, so do not run, or else u will never know what you're gonna miss. =)
be brave to face it!
Si Cantek.