tak tau kenape tp aku mcm dapat suntikan inspirasi bile aku tengok.
rase macam kagum orang yang berbadan mcm ni pon kental & tabah lalui sume cabaran which for sure la sangat meletihkan kan.
aku rase hepi bile tengok part timbang berat badan..konon2 mcm menaikkan semangat aku la nk dapatkan berat badan yg ideal.cewahh!
(aku tak sure sangat la part timbang2 ni btol or tak sbb mengikot hasil yg terkumpol...mcm berbelas & berpuluh kilo gak yg trn tp keadaan badan still same je mcm xde perubahan.tp xtau la kan, mungkin blom nmpk lagi.kalo dorg tipo aku cemane?hahaha.no lah.think positive.dorg usaha keras kot)
kalo aku dapat trn 1 kilo semggu..rase grateful yg amat2 sangat.hahaha.nmpk sgt kan berat aku da bertmbh and aku tersgtla desperate nk trnkn berat.hihihihi.
tapi tuh la die..cakap je lebih..gerak tak jugak.mane la x banyak lemak2 bersarang dalam badan aku.memang dorg suke sgt la kan ade tempat nk berteduh n msti dorg sgt sayang kat aku sbb x musnahkan habitat dorg.hahahaha.baik jugak la kirenye aku ni kan. =p

Si Cantek

perghh... lemak ko bersarang... yela.. byk sgt lemak ko nok.
ReplyDeleteyes dear, impression is the first thing u look on the friend
ReplyDeleteI know I sound selfish, but if you look like a garbage bin..nobody will be friends with you
ida: betol la nok.ko kn da lame x tgk aku..haaa surprise!
ReplyDeleteanonymous: yeah..mebi it's ur opinion n im not going to judge u. but for me,the value of friendship is not based on the physical, it must be the quality that the person have inside.
you quite rite..
ReplyDeletetapi manusia keen on first impression..
like if you meet two person , one as handsome as Fahrin, the other as handsome as Abon.. yang mana hendak didekati dulu??
yeah true...of cos la Fahrin kan..but it doesn't mean that I will throw away Abon from being my fren.
ReplyDeleteeventhough Fahrin akn di dahulukan, Abon ttp x ketinggalan..sbbnye tuh br 1st impression, kualiti dalaman yg dorg ade adelah berlainan.mungkin abon lebih berkualiti dr fahrin.
dats why kt jgn nilai sum1 tuh dlu smpai jatuhkan hukuman xnak kawan dgn dia. what if we are the person yg buruk, gemok n so on and there's no one nak kwn ngn kt.can we accept that?i dont think i can make it.
btw who r you?can u pls reveal urself if u dont mind?
sebab tu ramai yang cantik!!!
ReplyDeleteI mean the point of kuruskan badan, plastic surgery is to have everyone accepting us...
I am anonymous..and I shouldn't be reveal ..hahaha
sorry...typo sikit
ReplyDelete*sebab tu ramai yang nak jadi cantik/kacak